Ammons Rescue is a dedicated non profit focused on rescuing and supporting LDS refugees residing in African refugee camps. Initially, its efforts are centered on providing assistance to nine LDS families located in the Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi, Africa and then support their immigration through the U.S. WelcomCorps program.
In addition to our refugee rescue efforts, Ammons Rescue is committed to discovering and implementing opportunities for LDS Malawian students to enhance their education and, ultimately, improve their employment prospects.
Through partnerships and collaborations, we explore innovative strategies to enhance educational opportunities and bridge gaps in access to quality education. Our ultimate goal is to empower LDS Malawian students by providing them with the necessary resources, scholarships, and mentorship programs that can unlock their full potential.
By focusing on both rescuing LDS refugees and empowering Malawian students, Ammons Rescue strives to make a lasting and meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and families in need. We are dedicated to creating a path towards a brighter future, filled with hope, opportunities, and a renewed sense of purpose for all those we serve.
Refugee Lebon with Mabishwe
Sharing the burdens and giving assistance to LDS Refugees and assisting LDS Malawians with education.
Ammons Rescue was founded in 2017 by Jack and Ronda Rose after they met six LDS refugee families in the Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi, Africa. Witnessing the dire conditions these families faced, including the need for food and medical care, they felt compelled to provide assistance. Ammon's Rescue emerged as a platform to extend humanitarian aid to these families by offering food, medical support, and emotional assistance while they resided in Malawi.
Recognizing the ongoing need for support even after their return home, the Roses decided to continue their efforts through monthly financial contributions to the LDS families. On various occasions, they were called upon to assist in rebuilding homes destroyed by floods, repairing fallen roofs, facilitating specialized medical examinations, and providing essential medicines.
Throughout this journey, their ultimate goal remained focused on finding ways to help these LDS refugee families immigrate to countries where they could enjoy safety, educational opportunities for their children, and the freedom to worship according to their covenants with God. Moreover, they worked tirelessly to ensure that these LDS refugees remained connected to their faith community by establishing priesthood lines and facilitating access to church publications.
Despite their dedicated efforts and the generosity of others who contributed to the cause, immigration seemed unattainable until the US State Department introduced the WelcomeCorps program. This initiative allowed individual Americans to privately sponsor individuals and families, enabling them to immigrate to the United States. In light of this opportunity, the Roses decided to incorporate Ammon's Rescue as a nonprofit corporation to raise the necessary funds locally to support this program.
Under the WelcomeCorps program, Ammons Rescue collaborates with Locally Sponsoring Groups comprising five individuals who collectively sponsor a family. The organization provides financial and instructional support to these teams and offers suggestions to them for LDS refugee families they choose to support. Additionally, Ammon's Rescue guides and supports the teams as they sponsor families throughout the entire immigration process, from their arrival to achieving self-reliance in their new home.
Beyond its focus on immigration assistance, Ammons Rescue is dedicated to the research and development of initiatives aimed at improving the education and employment opportunities for Malawian LDS individuals from primary school through college. To achieve this, Ammon's Rescue is collaborating with a Malawian LDS university graduate who shares a passion for enhancing educational prospects for members of the Church in Malawi. Together, they are exploring the most effective and practical approaches to significantly elevate the quality of life for all LDS Malawians through expanded educational and employment opportunities.